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A person calculating the average cost for foundation repair.

Average Cost for Foundation Repair [Expert Insights]

April 03, 20245 min read

Hearing that your home needs foundation repairs is one of a homeowner’s biggest fears. That’s largely because of the many misconceptions surrounding the costs involved. 

If you’ve ever talked to someone about buying a home with foundation issues or needing foundation repairs, you’ve probably heard that they’re extremely expensive and your home is pretty much done. 

That’s not true, and today, we are going to go over the average cost for foundation repair to help ease your mind and make you a more informed homeowner. By the end, you shouldn’t be nearly as worried when it comes time to get your foundation looked at.

Let’s get started!

The Average Cost of Foundation Repairs

It’s tough to determine the average cost for foundation repair because those services can vary dramatically. We cannot provide a single fixed price for you to rely on and start preparing for, as the cost varies depending on different factors.

This is because of the dramatic number of different foundation repair methods, the number of things that can be wrong with your foundation, and the difference between various service providers and their rates.

The average cost for foundation repair - a man fixing a foundation.

However, the average cost of foundation repairs is $4,500. That average takes all repair methods and price differences around the nation into account, but it’s still a decent baseline for you to get an idea of what you’ll likely deal with. 

As you can see, that’s a lot better than you’ve probably heard when discussing foundation repairs with others who think it’s the most expensive repair you can make. The price of $4,500 is expensive and most people will need to prepare some funds first, but it’s not life-changing in the long term.

With that being said, the price can reach up to $20,000 or more, or it can be even lower than $4,500. It all depends on various factors.

Factors that Affect Foundation Repair Prices

To help you better understand how foundation repair prices change, we will talk about each of the main factors and how they increase or decrease the overall price you should expect.

1: The Extent of the Damage

This is the primary factor that will increase or decrease the average cost of foundation repair. How much damage is there? 

If you just have a couple of cracks that aren’t affecting the home too much, but they can quickly get much worse, you can typically expect the overall price to drop considerably. 

However, if you have neglected repairs for years and allowed minor problems to expand throughout the entire foundation, or a disaster quickly caused extensive foundation damage to the home, you can expect the price to skyrocket. 

2: What Types of Repairs are Required

The type of repairs your foundation requires will also affect the price.

Depending on what the damage is and the type of foundation you have, the foundation repair service will have to choose between a variety of repair options that all entail a different amount of labor, technology, and material costs

This isn’t something you know outright. The team servicing your foundation will have to look at all factors involved in the repair project and choose an appropriate repair method to get the job done safely and properly.

3: The Service You Choose

Just like anything else, the service provider you choose to do the repairs also matters. Some have higher rates than others, different payment options that lower or increase prices, etc. 

Of course, don’t solely go off the quoted price when choosing a foundation repair service. The cheapest option isn’t always the best. For just a bit more, you might get tremendously better service and results that have a major impact on your experience with your home going forward.

Does Insurance Help with Foundation Repairs? 

Even if your repairs are around the national average, we understand that many people don’t have that type of money just sitting around. Plus, you pay for homeowners insurance. That should cover it, right? 

Well, unfortunately, homeowner’s insurance rarely covers foundation repairs unless the damage is considered an act of God.

Things such as earthquakes and similar natural disasters might warrant a payout from your homeowner’s insurance policy that can lower this high cost or pay for it outright. 

However, other policies, such as your flood insurance or other forms of insurance, might be able to help in specific circumstances.

How to Lower or Cover Foundation Repair Costs

While insurance doesn’t help much, there are things you can do to lower your overall costs or get help funding the repairs.

1: Resolve the Issue Quickly

Foundation problems get worse with time. Once the foundation begins to crack, the continued shifting of the ground will make those cracks grow. Water can enter and worsen the problem, and other things can happen that make the problem worse.

The average cost for foundation repair - a team of professionals fixing a foundation.

The more extensive the damage gets, the more you have to pay. So, the easiest way to reduce the overall cost is to identify and resolve the problem as soon as possible.

2: Choose a Service that Offers Financing

Financing is the most practical way to get your foundation repaired when insurance won’t cover it and you don’t have the extra cash on hand. 

You can seek financing options from your bank, but some foundation repair services offer in-house financing options through their partner companies. These can be better than your bank due to lower interest rates, more consumer-friendly options, and more. 

3: Preventative Measures and Regular Inspections

There are some preventative measures that you can use to prolong the lifespan of your home’s foundation.

Namely, there are ground treatments that prevent the ground from shifting when it gets wet and dries out. This doesn’t completely remove the possibility of foundation damage, but it does dramatically reduce it

Other than that, having a trusted company you can have around to perform regular inspections can help you save money, too. You’ll identify issues before they become much more costly to repair.

Choose a Foundation Repair Service that Puts You First

Now that you know the average cost for foundation repair, you want to make sure that any repairs you have done are done properly and made to last.

You will get that reliability if you contact the best foundation repair company in Kansas City, Smart Foundation Systems.

Our team provides competitive prices on high-quality foundation repairs regardless of the type of repairs needed, and you get results you can trust well into the future. 

If you need more information, contact us today!

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